Filling out the background spreadsheet is the part that I worry about the most. I learned on the first trip that the Secret Service really does check the data that I provide them against the data on the photo IDs on the day of the tour so there is absolutely no room for error.
I want to give a shout out to Laura Nolan in Congressman LoBiondo's office--she is very efficient and a pleasure to work with. I can only imagine the number of tour requests that she fields throughout the year and I appreciate all of her help.

This time we were asked to line up alphabetically outside of the Visitor's Entrance which we didn't have to do on the first trip. But we did get through much quicker than before, so the last-minute rearranging of folks out on the sidewalk at least made sense.
On the previous visit, some of us caught just a quick glimpse of the back end of Bo the dog as he was coming inside the White House. This year, Bo was actually walking right in front of me just as we were coming up on the display that features him. I tried get a shot of him in front of his display, but Paul had the same idea and we were competing for camera space and I'm still not that great using my new phone, so I lost the Kodak moment.
I opted out of participating in the guided tour of the Kennedy Center because I've taken it a couple of times already and I really just wanted to sit down and relax for a while. It's a very interesting tour though and I do recommend that you take it if you ever have the opportunity. I'm still trying to get some good photos inside the Center, but the lighting is pretty bad and the weather being on the gray side didn't help.
The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center has a nice food court area. Not a beer to be found though, so Paul and I trekked to the Aria Pizzeria & Bar for a bite and a beer. Wanted to spend some time touring through the building, but decided to save that for another day when I have more time.
My favorite part of this holiday trip is The National Cathedral. It is an amazing building and must be seen in person to appreciate. The guided tours are great but I always wish I had more time there. They have two gift shops that offer a wide variety of unique items. It's always a challenge getting everyone out of the gift shops and back on the bus at the end of the day.
I'll be putting more photos from this trip on the Davis Day Trips Facebook page if you'd like to check them out. Every week I am getting more "Likes" on Facebook which is awesome--not sure how people are finding out about us, but it's so exciting every time I get a new "Like"!
Back to New York City on Wednesday for my LAST trip of 2012!